I will write more about this during the week, including my first new youtube videos in ages.
As luck and timing and synchronicities would have it.... after 2am, we called Legion to see if he wanted to join us at TOI.... apparently.. he was ALREADY THERE!!!!
Anyhow... we wound up back at my apt and my downstairs neighbor wound up turning up at my place along with the nine other folks... Legion and some folks went down to my neighbor's place where Legion got a 4:30 am HAIRCUT.
Somehow, when I went downstairs to check in, I was next in line and so it went...
I slept from 8:45 am until 9:30 am or so and then went to the Farmer's Market with Heidi and Nicole D. and then Heidi, Pooch and I hit Bronson Canyon for our hike.
I came home and decided it was time to shave the beard.
Ok... now to eat and work on music.
Tonight is $2 Sushi @ Fat Fish (3300 Sixth Street)
And then I am hoping to go dancing and ...
There is some neat event happening tonight if you dig Fishbone & P-Funk!!!
Trulio Disgracias - 11pm @ The Good Hurt, Venice
"All Star Funk Jam Band...members from Fishbone, Parliment, P-Funk & more."
11:00pm 1:30am
Next Friday is FIRST FRIDAYS @ Medusda Lounge
RSVP for Guest List
Tuesday, I will be DJing at STINKERS in Silverlake.
(2939 W Sunset) It is FREE!
Current Music: Telefon Tel Aviv - Stay Away From Being Maybe | Powered by Last.fm
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