MT. SIMS - "Grave"
The next selection is from IAMX, who has a new album coming in a month. Collaboration occur on the new album, featuring IMOGEN HEAP. This video is from a lovely song from the 2005 release, "The Alternative".
IAMX - Song For Imaginary Beings
This evening, my pal, Mz. Jill Tracy and I will be meeting with Captain David J. Haskins and attend a performance by Soriah at the Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. If you are unfamiliar with his work, he is a Tuvan throat singer, meaning, he channels the air through his throat, creating harmonics and overtones which present more than one pitch at a time or a chord. If you have ever hung out with me for an extended period of time and have heard me sound like didgeridoo, this is the same process.
Below are two videos, scan through at your leisure! The performance is part of a recurring event and it begins at 8pm. For more information, refer to the Steve ALlen Theater link from above.