I do NOT have a facebook page and even though I was temped a few times over the last few years, I have kept away as I know how much time I have spent on blogs, myspace and other sites including the old Sillygoth site (RIP).
I read an article yesterday about Jonathan Miller, who is taking over myspace as the CEO and how he does not have an account. There is much more to being a CEO than simply having an account... but one would hope the new candidate, let alone new hire, would at least be familiar with the operations to understand what the typical member experiences.
In the interim, myspace has noticeable been declining in traffic lately, despite many of the long overdue additions and changes to how the overall operations function. The Place For Friends has become the Place for ROBOTS and other methods of fishing people to simply enter competitions and dating sites and buy this or that... even myspace, itself, does this more often than ever. Even though myspace was always involved in a bigger company (E.UNIVERSE), they gave the picture that, TOM ANDERSON, a partner with Chris DeWolfe, had a home grown / grass roots website.... he was actually quite approachable in the beginning and there were many myspace local parties here in Los Angeles to drum up business back in 2002.
Mark Zuckerburg, who is 24 years of age, on the other hand, created a small site for his fellow Harvard people, (FACEBOOK) and then other Ivy League students and then it somehow bounced to Europe and highschoool students and in the last few years, has been growing faster than a ten clowns on a single trike under a black light!
In less than a year from the point where Face caught up to the number of memberships as myspace, it has now, more than doubled!!! Last month there were 124 million monthly unique visitors last month, a dceline for them and Facebook had 276 million uniques, an increase of over 16%. link to the guardian
What does all of this mean? It means my next session starts at 4pm which is only moments from now.
What are your thoughts on any of this?
I am seeing Emiliana Torrini this evening for FREE at The Standard in Hollywood. Then I am sharing some music / djing at STINKERS in Silverlake... please see an earlier blog posting for the info.... it is in Silverlake and lots of fun... it is a bar.. there is NO admission... there are Mechanical Skunks and $2 beers! (Info on my previous post)
Have a great day!
Current Music: Apparat - Its Gonna Be a Long Walk-Bfhmp | Powered by Last.fm
Here is a FREE plugin for your musical creations created by Knobster Check the site for the plastic piano too! Watch the kitty's mouth when the sound emits!
Make your music Growl.... or rather Meow!
This next video is directed by Dave Carter and is a stop animation piece using old Russian magazine art!
Pomomofo - "Tamagotchi Girl"
I am DJing at a bar tomorrow evening as a one off random slot. I am first hoping to see Emiliana Torrini at The Standard. Wanna go? Anyhow... yes, DJing tomorrow night at STINKERS in Silverlake. 2939 W. Sunset Blvd ., Los Angeles, CA 90026 323-661-6007
You can not miss the HUGE neon SKUNK outside of the building which is by Silversun, and across from the Silverlake Lounge. Every so often, the bartender, pulls the chord for the TRUCK HORN and then SMOKE is sprayed from a large group of mechanical skunks, placed throughout the bar!
I hope to see you... again, it is a BAR, it is FREE and the prices are amazing.. $2 beers (I dislike beer, but you may love it) There is however a drink I do like there. I will share tunes from Pink Floyd to Alice in Chains, Danzig to Depeche Mode to Dionne Warwick and back to Revolting Cocks and maybe some Kenny Loggins!
I am excited for Thursday, as I will be attending a pre-release screening of BRUNO, the next film for Sacha Baron Cohen, who brought us Ali G. and Borat.
The full working title is Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt and is expected to hit theatres on the 10th of July here in the states.
Have a good evening... after I finish working, I will hit the THREE OF CLUBS with Robert Murphy for an hour or so then back to working I go!
Current Music: Depeche Mode - In Sympathy | Powered by Last.fm
The wknd has been fantastic and last evening was nothing short of amazing!
It wasn't what we did, but the group of people who joined! I will write more about this during the week, including my first new youtube videos in ages.
As luck and timing and synchronicities would have it.... after 2am, we called Legion to see if he wanted to join us at TOI.... apparently.. he was ALREADY THERE!!!!
Anyhow... we wound up back at my apt and my downstairs neighbor wound up turning up at my place along with the nine other folks... Legion and some folks went down to my neighbor's place where Legion got a 4:30 am HAIRCUT.
Somehow, when I went downstairs to check in, I was next in line and so it went...
I slept from 8:45 am until 9:30 am or so and then went to the Farmer's Market with Heidi and Nicole D. and then Heidi, Pooch and I hit Bronson Canyon for our hike. I came home and decided it was time to shave the beard.
Ok... now to eat and work on music.
Tonight is $2 Sushi @ Fat Fish (3300 Sixth Street) And then I am hoping to go dancing and ...
There is some neat event happening tonight if you dig Fishbone & P-Funk!!!
Trulio Disgracias - 11pm @ The Good Hurt, Venice "All Star Funk Jam Band...members from Fishbone, Parliment, P-Funk & more." 11:00pm 1:30am
QUICK FINAL NOTES: Next Friday is FIRST FRIDAYS @ Medusda Lounge RSVP for Guest List
Tuesday, I will be DJing at STINKERS in Silverlake. (2939 W Sunset) It is FREE!
Current Music: Telefon Tel Aviv - Stay Away From Being Maybe | Powered by Last.fm
I was asked to attend a Cowboys & Indians birthday party happening tonight.
If I went, I would go as both. I would be The Lone Tonto or The Tonto Ranger.
Do I go with headdress, sitting Indian style with a Rangers' jersey? Actually, I may not go at all and just work on music or later, attend DiskoNekro or the 10 year anniversay of Respect's Drum n Bass Party. I know my friend, Ozzie is meeting me for food.
Last night was great!
Legion and I went to Pasadena to rendezvous with Serina at a gas station since we were not quite certain where to dine. After driving in to the station and greeting each other, Serina handed me her phone. The three of us formulated the idea to seek free parking in order to drop off Legion's vehicle.
We agreed on the basic street, called Walnut, which is right by a Ralph's (Walnut & Lake). I hopped back in to zee car with Sir Legion and we headed to Walnut. We turned on to Wilson street and parked quite easily. Serina was not behind us, but this was fine because she knew basically where we were headed... We could call her. Legion asked me to ring her.
Just as I hit the TALK button to contact her, I recalled I had her phone. It then rang as I clicked END.
We went to the Ralph's that we passed to find her, and finally we reconvened at the original gas station, roughly 15-20 minutes later ;)
After checking a place called AVANTI Cafe', we quickly agreed on Serina's fantastically delicious idea for ROSCOE's Chicken! This was simply due to the cafe being overly crowded... and that we LOVE Roscoe's!!! I had not been in well over a year... I changed my diet a bit more drastically in the beginning of 2008 upon learning of some cholesterol issues, which I must add, I was able to adjust WITHOUT the aid of medicine but simply by dietary decision and excorcismizmsish ;)
Actually, I had never before been to the Roscoe's in Pasadena. I used to reside a few blocks from the one on Gower in Hollywood and have attended birthdays, such as Coleman's at the one on Pico & La Brea. This one turned out to be somewhat of a zoo! It was not dissimilar to the lyrics in the song "America" from WEST SIDE STORY
Larger photo here Overall, the staff was good, the food was as tasty as ever! Legion had a chicken sandwhich with fries, Serina had.... a whole mess of foodsies including some chicken "rounds" and cornbread with Ice Tea (not iced... "ice tea"), while I had my chicken thigh, red beans & rice with cornbread combo and Ice Tea as well ;)
- Video to follow soon! -
We then drove around Pasadena, hitting South Pasadena and finally we grabbed Legion's car and headed back to my apartment, to watch a film.
What we wound up seeing was something .. rather unusual. A streaming download of a film called MADEA GOES TO JAIL... hahahahah!
The film could not decide whether it was a silly comedy with an older black American grandmother version of Mrs. Doubtfire with extra sass who has anger issues, which are never really resolved, or a serious story about forgiveness and deceit and the victim of a rape.
There are other films with this character, including an older version of this film from three years prior that went straight to video.
There were some funny bits... but then there were some very harsh serious moments... each undermined the other. I give this film a 2 out of a 10.
Well, it is time for me to walk the dog, figure out what I will eat with my friend Oz, and what I am going to do since it is now 7:48 pm
Contact me! Btw, Farmer's Market 10am tomorrow! Then I will go hiking and $2 Sushi plates at FAT FISH in the evening!
QUICK FINAL NOTES: Next Friday is FIRST FRIDAYS @ Medusda Lounge, RSVP for Guest List Tuesday, I will be DJing at STINKERS in Silverlake. It is FREE! I am topless! Pooch needs a walk Li, the kitty, is sleepy
Current Music: Sneaker Pimps - Low Five "live box set" | Powered by Last.fm
Since our debut party last month was so successful, we are excited to continue and grow with you next Friday, April 3rd!
I know I would have been happy if 50 people would have attended last month, however I was floored when Darren told me we had 375 people by midnight and by the peak of the night, we had over 500 people join us and this is excluding our large guestlist.
People danced all night, they ate, drank, mingled, got to know new folks. It was the best time I have had in ages and glad so many of you brought such positive energy!
Next Friday, is our 2nd party and we have a guest, DJ BlueGirl, on board as well contests for Fischer Spoonertickets and more!
Looking forward to seeing you! Our party is your party! If you would like to assist with photos, art, promotions, marketing and or comic relief, please drop a line!
RSVP for FREE admission if you arrive before 10:45
Visit the official site for more
Current Music: Chris Cornell - Enemy | Powered by Last.fm Powered by
Today was a day of communication breakdown or emails being lost or something to that effect. I suppose my time was not wasted as I was able to complete other goals in the interim.
I had a good time seeing Tricky perform last evening in Anaheim... more on that later with photos... For now, the Video(s) Of The Day
Bomb The Bass is a collective organized by the talented, Tim Simenon, who has had a bunch of moderate hits since 1987. He has collaborated with Meat Beat Manifesto, David Bowie, Bjork, Seal, Massive Attack, Justin Warfield (when Justin did hip hop, before his She Wants Revenge business) Gavin Friday (The Virgin Prunes aka U2's influence). He also stepped in to replace Alan Wilder, and produced ULTRA (1997) for DEPECHE MODE, which brought the tunes "Barrel of a Gun", "It's No Good", and "Home" to fruition. He is also known for pulling in members of Tackhead into the mix. Tackhead, not only are the musicians behind the Sugar Hill Records music which was the original HIP HOP music including "RAPPER'S DELIGHT", but also the same people who created and produced the first NIN album, Pretty Hate Machine.
Bomb The Bass - Butterfingers featuring Fujiya Miyagi
What a wild wknd, filled with good work and accomplishing goals! Johnette, David and I cooked our music to perfection and completion!
I was called this morning to come to Universal and here I have been since. This evening, Tricky performs @ The House Of Blues in Anaheim and I have a few more tickets, should YOU wish to attend.
Along with Tricky, Darren Revell (the late indie 103.1 fm / FF@Medusa Lounge) is DJing. Next Friday, the 3rd, is the first Friday of April, which also means our next party!!!! myspace.com/revellshok
I am excited to share this with everyone again! The last party was so much fun and it was great to see so many people enjoying their time!
There will be an RSVP list for free admission until 10:45 and the other news is that our guest dj, joining D++, Darren and me is BlueGirl / Heidi, who will knock your socks off but will simultaneously keep your dancing shoes on the dance floor!
Tomorrow, I will again be recording with Johnette and then working on some remixes that are due.
There will be new VIDEO OF THE DAY posts tomorrow. I will get back to my lunch break and attempt to procure food!
Hello folks! I am excited today for quite a number of reasons. This wknd I will be in the studio for the entirety, working on my new project that is a trio. The other two folks are Johnette Napolitano and David J. Haskins, who have both been extremely influential in music. It is an honour that they have brought me onboard as a partner! But right now the focus of this post is VOTD, so I will write more on the new project in a future post.
Btw, the Soriah performance was amazing! I highly recommend his work!
This next clip is NOT Science Fiction, but actual SCIENCE. It IS a REALITY!
How to grow your own fresh air
(Thanks to Monika Brożyna for the video!)
Before I split, the 3rd of April is nearly upon us and that date marks the FIRST FRIDAY of the next month, which just so happens to be the night of FIRST FRIDAYS @ MEDUSA LOUNGE, my party with Darren Revell.
We had over 500 paying folks last month, perhaps we can repeat this again!!!! Either way, it WILL be an lovely, fun time and since last month we gave away tickets to see Tricky (Massive Attack), we are continuing with this motion and giving away tickets to see FischerSpooner. We also have D++ aka Danielle spinning and our guest DJ of the month is Mixtress Heidi BlueGirl. There will, once again be an RSVP list which will allow folks who signup early, to get on the FREE list.
Have a great wknd! Eat some exquisite food, see some art, create some art, cohort with some friends, speak with family, pet a dog, cat, snake, rabbit, fox and or chinchilla!
We shall kick it off today with a video that was released under a month ago from MT SIMS. The band is conducted by Matthew Sims, a dear friend from LA, who relocated to Berlin, Germany a few years ago. I was the drummer in the band for a while and have fond memories of working and traveling on tour with him! Anyhow, the focus is not to reflect and swim in the nostalgia lake, so skipping out back to shore... The following video is for one of my favorite songs on his recent album, "Happily Ever After".
MT. SIMS - "Grave"
The next selection is from IAMX, who has a new album coming in a month. Collaboration occur on the new album, featuring IMOGEN HEAP. This video is from a lovely song from the 2005 release, "The Alternative".
IAMX - Song For Imaginary Beings
This evening, my pal, Mz. Jill Tracy and I will be meeting with Captain David J. Haskins and attend a performance by Soriah at the Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. If you are unfamiliar with his work, he is a Tuvan throat singer, meaning, he channels the air through his throat, creating harmonics and overtones which present more than one pitch at a time or a chord. If you have ever hung out with me for an extended period of time and have heard me sound like didgeridoo, this is the same process.
Below are two videos, scan through at your leisure! The performance is part of a recurring event and it begins at 8pm. For more information, refer to the Steve ALlen Theater link from above.
Ok now... this is just way to silly for me NOT to stop what I am doing and feed my distraction side of the mind.
My mate, Professor Vast, sent me this next gem. If you for even once were feeling down today, this will bring you back and lift the spirits! I find this to be quite hilarious!
I hope you got your GnDnB on! (Gospel N Drum N Bass)
Steampunk this and broken watch that. A band is coming to LA that claims to be steam punk... I say they are a lousy gothband with good fashion... (notice the use of gothband as one word)
I have no real issues with it, but it does make me smile ;)
Moving right along...
The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello, an amazing animated Steampunkish-esque short. (A 26 minute short)
I may have to have this crew at a cookout. Maybe they are available for weddings, divorces and or office parties. They might even be just the hot act you are seeking for your friend's kids's bar/ batmitzvah!
Btw, this is from 1976, one year before Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, C3P0 and R2-D2 set sail via Millenium Falcon!
Additionally, I am seeking the assistance of someone who is an amazing wizard/ wizardress on SCOOTERS... drop me a note.
1. Short Recap 2. Set list 3. Covenant - We Want Revolution (Shok's ReRevelation)
First of all... I had a great day with Johnette today. I am very excited about the new project. More on that later... but I wanted to express that so I can realize today was a good day!
I played a rough version of this last Friday... which leads me to the next topic.
Last Friday, was amazing!!! It was the opening night of my new monthly party with Darren Revell at the gorgeous, Medusa Lounge. I like to keep my mind open to all possibilities and was surprised that after only 45 minutes of us having had door open, to learn 35 people had already paid. This increased quickly and by midnight there were 375 people paid. This is not even including the guest list!!!
The total number of attendees broke 500 and needless to say, we are eager to celebrate again next month. I had not seen so many people dancing all night in ages... When I was not spinning, I was dancing! My other gage was seeing Legion dancing almost all night!
We even had Ms. Jill Tracy rockin it!
SO... Here you go, our first First Fridays @ Medusa Lounge set list.
Darren started the evening and then ended as well. D++ continued around 11 and I took the plates around midnight.
Our setlist shows, as promised, a variety of songs. Expect an even broader set as we move forward.
D++ aka Danielle Data - Paste Back Britney Spears - Circus (la dolce vita remix) Chloe - Take care Mr. Oizo - Transsexual Galactic Boys - Planet 72 Lady Gaga - Poker Face Paul Zone and Man To Man ft. Man Parrish - Male Stripper (out of the ordinary techno mix) Heartbreak - We're Back (Romantix remix) Kraftwerk - Numbers Mikix The Cat - Wuz Aafrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express Animotion - Obsession (automatic panic vs dj cat NYC remix) Bag Raiders - Fun Punch (Bag Radiers remix) Designer Drugs - Zombies Mastiksoul - Run For Cover (original mix) The Knife - Marble House (Rex The Dog remix) Fad Gadget - Lady Shave Sebastian Tellier - L'amour et la Violence (Boys Noize remix) Book Of Love - Boy Eurythmics - Sex Crime (1984) Berlin - Sex (i'm a...) Talk Talk - It's my life
Shok 20th Century Fox Fanfare The Doors - The Movie Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl Covenant - We Want Revolution (Shok's ReRevelation) The Faint - The Geeks (DIOYY Remix) The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die Nine Inch Nails - That's What I Get (Computer Club remix) Depeche Mode - Wrong (Radio mix) The Cult - Fire Woman Killing Joke - Love Like Blood Revolting Cocks - Stainless Steel Providers The Bollock Brothers - Harley David (Son Of A Bitch) Pop Will Eat Itself - Can U Dig It Renegade Soundwave - Biting My Nails Sonic Youth - Kool Thing The Kinks - You Really Got Me Love And Rockets - Ball Of Confusion Tricky - Love Cats (cover of The Cure) ** ticket giveaway Stevie Wonder - Superstition Freak(Stevie vs Wired All Wrong)
Darren Revell Darren's list was destroyed, but he has kindly relisted the songs he could, but his are not in order. ** not in order played ** St Etienne - Only Love Will Break Our Heart Bjork - Army Of Me The Cure - Disintegration Crystal Castles - Vanished The Buzzcocks - Why Can’t I Touch It Clan Of Xymox - No Words The Clash - Lost In The Supermarket When In Rome - The Promise Colder - Wrong Baby Peter Murphy - Roll Call The Cure - A Forest Depeche Mode - Here Is The House Erasure - A Little Respect Fischerspooner - The 15th Front 242 - Headhunter Goldfrapp - Strict Machine The Sisters Of Mercy - Dominion/Mother Russia Siouxsie & The Banshees - The Passenger New Order - Temptation Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch Nitzer Ebb - Lightning Man Royksopp - What Else Is There? She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
Today's video arrives from the other day via my GHills mate, Jillian Specter.
Kutiman takes YOUR videos and mixes them together to make music videos. If you are familiar with Coldcut, EBN, Benjamin Stokes (DHS, Meat Beat Manifesto), you will be familiar with this art form.
Kutiman does a superb job on this video. Please view more of his craftiness on http://www.thru-you.com
I will return today with the setlist from last week, photos and free music!!! Today is session #2 with Johnette and then later, my pal, Heather's sister is coming into town from Nashville via San Diego.
It is amazing how circles form. I had wanted Johnette to sing on a song for the Tech Itch & Shok album, then she wanted to bring me on board to an album of hers, then I ran into David J. at The Knitting Factory performance for RLD and Jill Tracy. David wants to work with Jill. Jill and I will be working together and then Saturday, I get and email from David to work with him on his music with Johnette.
Does it seem like an 70s/ 80s Faberge commercial? So today, Johnette will be here and also David and we will work on the sounds of music. Not the musical!
Today's video you may have seen, but if not, it is a good chuckle based upon Desmond from LOST. This fellow constantly says "Brother" and below is a compilation of such. Wait for the end!
Additionally, if you are handy with Scooters, drop me a line.
Ok... I am a fan of HI-larity and HI-sterrrickaliosoness... especially when you wind up learning something while laughing.
For several months, I have enjoyed "YOU SUCK AT PHOTOSHOP", which is presented by a fellow called Donnie Hoyle, who teaches Photoshop techniques via zany antics.
We may as well start with his first video.
Additionally, last night was excellent!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who attended and also UXG, DJ Xian, and my pal, Jill Tracy.
I am off in a few to lunch with Jill, so I will curtail this posting.
There will be a great variety of music, a ticket giveaway for TRICKY (Massive Attack), drinks, FOOD (the wings are good!) and more!!!
If you RSVP you will be on the guest list which will run until 10:45, otherwise it is only $5 all night!
The response for tonight is amazing and I am bringing some special songs for the occassion. First Fridays will be a PARTY, not just a club night. If you have not done so by now..... go ahead, RSVP and have a great day!
Before we get to today's video, I need to mention that tonight is the final Red Light District performance for a while.
The band is not over. In fact, links to acquire "Smoke & Mirrors", the album, will be appearing online soon now that full distribution has been obtained. The focus is now to work on other aspects of Red Light District and toward other projects that are in place.
Yet, one more reminder... Tomorrow night is the debut of my new party FIRST FRIDAYS @ MEDUSA LOUNGE with Darren Revell, along with our pals, D++, Amoreena and Michelle Ciraulo.
We are all very excited to share Friday evening with you! It is going to be a very fun, monthly gathering, to share music from old to new, present giveaways, promos, conversation, dance and trivia games! Not only will there be this, but drinks and FOOOOOOD... if you know me... you know I loves the foods!
If you RSVP, you can get on the guest list which is open until 10:45. $5 after!