Sometimes everything goes smoothly..... (we can leave it at that)
Sorry for the long pause... well, short for you, long for me.
I had gotten a call and had to take care of other tasks.
So it is now, 4:40pm... heading to the studio in Granada Hills in a bit to grab drums and such for tomorrow's performance @ Ruin's Black Heart Mask Ball with Red Light District. A bit stressed as there most likely will not be an accordion player on stage with us and the possibilities of no vibraphone playes is growing. But the show will be fine otherwise... we have played without both.
Before we get to the videos.... last night, I went to see EVIL NINE @ The Viper Room. I highly dislike that venue, but I very much enjoy the music of EVIL NINE. I met up with Adam Freeland at the venue and ran into some other friends there and finally met Tom & Pat aka EVIL NINE. Their set was fantastic... This was a DJ set, not a live show. They are returning soon with the live show that combines ZOMBIES, Dark Hard Bass, Sinister Drums and electrofunk. Everything was excellent; people were dancing and having a good time... but about three quarters of the way of their set, this wacko woman turns toward some of us and throws her jacket and bag down on the ground like she is angry and then rolls straight into a dance as if Satan and a Stripper had taken over her soul. She started grinding on the floor and eventually all clothes were off apart from boots... she starting grabbing any fellow she could to dance with her.... SCARY!
Ok.... now the videos!
This first one comes from a very influential crew who existed nearly twenty years ago. They have since gone on to do some amazing productions... but let's focus on this early track from Sabres Of Paradise
This next video is a lovely number and I hope you enjoy!
Maurice Chevalier and Claudette Colbert sing a duet in this song from 1930.
You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me
Here is an invitation for tomorrow
This is for Red Light District's performance and album release party @ Ruin
See ya later, ciao!