A few weeks ago, there was a scary situation where my main hard drive nearly became dust in the wind. This was oddly enough one day before I was set to order my new machine after over four years.
The issue was not as simple as someone who may have had photos and music files that needed to be rescued from a drive. I can actually go fishing and retrieve those types of files successfully in most cases. In this scenario, the way I have my drive configured, it is all about music applications, editing software, instruction sets and installations that all need to work together to properly complete the system. If the structure is off at any point. My unfinished songs, can not be completed as planned.
Thankfully, with the help of two friends and my own investigations, all was restored and on top of this, the information is now in a very sweet machine on which I have been using the last week or so.
The downside to this is that it pushed back the schedule for a few projects, including work with clients when finances are really needed along with the completion of "Smoke & Mirrors" the Red Light District album debut. The release date is still set for this weekend, on Valentine's. The live band will perform this Friday, the 13th at RUIN for the BLACK HEART MASQUE ball celebrating the release of this debut album.
I am working hard on completing the album and combining a two-three week work schedule into what is only a few more days to get this completed! Mostly what is needed is mixing, however, some re-recording is still afoot. Two weeks ago, I re-recorded all of the live drums, a full album of 20 songs' worth in just one day. I am pleased with the results, however now is time that I was taking short break and that time is nearly ended as Juliette should be here in just moments to listen to my progress of the day as I have completed our song, "SMOKE".
If you are interested to attend Friday for the release party, please check this invitation link and RSVP for extra surprises!
Have a good evening... I will resume posting some of my Videos links of the day tomorrow!
Btw, I do plan on shooting a video where we destroy my old machine in a similar fashion to the classic scene in Office Space with the fax machine.