I have been quite busy with work, but tomorrow is my birthday and I intend on resuming the videos, links and such of the day.
Below includes some of the birthday celebration plans.
If you feel you should know about my bday din din and did not receive an email from me for whatever reason, contact me directly.
27th - Monday - Alternative Karaoke @ Ground Control 8:30-9pm-ish
Sing to Salt N Peppa, Queen, Sisters Of Mercy, Billy Idol, Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb, The Doors, Nick Cave, Ministry, Snoop Dogg, Radiohead, The Cure, Tori Amos, NIN or even the theme song for Different Strokes. Food is served all night and there is a secure and FREE parking lot on the premises.
4067 W. Pico Blvd. 90018
http://gc.darxxide.com $4
Depending on how I feel tomorrow, plans could include a trip to the aquarium, seeing UP in 3D (finally) or another museum, renting a boat... or nothing and relaxing!
28th - Tuesday (Actual Birthday post dinner) - Kung Pao Kitty 10:30ish-11pm
Possibly earlier, but certainly after dinner, we can move over here. Darren Revell, my partner of RevellShok's First Fridays @ Medusa Lounge, will be spinning music. It is bar/ restaurant, not a dance club, BUT, it will not stop anyone from shakin' a rump!
6445 Hollywood (Hollywood & Wilcox)
30th - Thursday - Liquid City's 80s & 90s Art & Music party @ Medusa Lounge 9pm
25 Artists and more, I was asked to be the DJ for this event and it should be fun.
3211 Beverly Blvd.
Poosibly Sunday or sometime soon - Lazer Pink Floyd at Laserium 7:30pm
This will be fun! Did you ever see a lazer show in a planetarium? This will be similar.
Pink Floyd + Lazers = a good time! Popcorn might equal a slightly better time too!
6321 Hollywood Blvd.
https://www.goldstar.com/shows/255260 $6 or FREE by using Goldstar for tickets.
7th - Friday - RevellShok's First Fridays @ Medusa Lounge 9pm
Send an email and I will have you on the guest list all night.
8th or 9th - Cirque Berzerk http://cirqueberzerk.com
16th & 17th - Depeche Mode @ The Hollywood Bowl (I have a lead on tickets for the 17th)
Drop me a line for any and all questions, suggestions, comments and or discussion items.