Today is a day where allergies prosper!
Last night, I completed some projects and this morning paperwork and other business affairs. There was a notice sent Friday of some unclaimed funds from Universal as well as a new contract for me from a film company which is certainly good news!
How was YOUR wknd?
What did YOU do?
Sunday: No Farmer's Market, No Hike, but a cookout at Julian's in North Hollywood/ Burbank where Heidi and I had Swordfish! Dr. Kathy Fadigan met us before leaving for the airport. She is a great pal from Philadelphia, who had been visiting since Wednesday as she had a conference in Garden Grove. I came home and completed a remix which I will post at the bottom.
Saturday: Shared dinner at HOME, in Los Feliz, with Kathy Fadigan, Heidi, Yuval and Charles then hit DISKO NEKRO. Then back to Charles' abode for a bit with several folks, where I procured salmon, triscuits, hummus and a brownie for dessert.
Friday: El Compadre dinner with Kathy Fadigan, Nicole D., Jill Specter and her pal, Hadiss. You know I am not feeling well, when I only have a margarita and soup plus chips. Then Kathy, Nicole, Robert Murphy and I headed to my annual visit to Das Bunker, where we saw my friend, Douglas, perform. After, I went to Charles' and we at sushi and a few folks joined.
This brings me to the video of the day, "MINIVAN HIGHWAY". Being that I do not really have a tv, I had not really known much of Tim And Eric. I found this video last week and oddly enough, this past Friday, backstage at Das Bunker, I was speaking with a friend, JP, who is the lady counterpart to Bon Harris , Douglas's bandmate from Nitzer Ebb, and she mentioned a recent involvement with Tim And Eric. It was fate that this video would make it to VOTD
Think Kraftwerk meets 1981, complete with docksiders on foot!
Below is the remix I created last Summer (July) but have just uploaded for Zombie Girl's hit, "Creepy Crawler"
Zombie Girl - Creepy Crawler (Shok's Horror Pop Mix) by fdaallday
Enjoy your Monday and its evening!
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