This evening is a performance by Jack Dangers and crew aka MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO.
Largely a factor in my diversion from writing and acting into to forays and two decades of my professional world of music, MBM has influenced songs in a profound way. Always keeping underground, the MBM sound has been cited as the father of Drum N Bass, the mover of Industrial Funk and even the modern Dubstep. Bands such as The Prodigy, The Chemical Bros and Nine Inch Nails list this as big influeces and The Prodigy, Chemical Bros and The Future Sound of London all had their first hits by massively sampling work from Meat Beat.
Meat Beat Manifesto began in 1985 as an offshoot to Perennial Divide, a post punk, noise and psche-jazz project, for which Jack Dangers sang and played bass. He brought Jonny Stephens with to join MBM and release music through such avenues as SweatBox, Play It Again Sam (PIAS), Wax Trax, Mute, Nothing Records (Trent's label with Interscope) and more! Today, his band includes Mark Pistel from Consolidated ("You Suck") and Ben Stokes (DHS), who invented the filing technique where a round of cameras would shoot a sequential still to "freeze frame & pivot the angle" which was popularized in The Matrix trilogy, Gap commercials, Howard Stern's tv opening credits and a slew of Ninja action sequences.
See the band, tonight, at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood. $20
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They are expected a pre-tax savings of over $200 million for 2009, $250 million post tax.
This means that there are roughly 850 people who learned that their holidays and new year shall commence in a very different way. The drop of gas prices will not seem like much now! Happy Holidays!!!!
There is a decent article written by Peter Kafka as linked below
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Friday is the first anniversary of RUIN.
I have a guest list for the event.
Contact me for info or stay tuned for more information tomorrow.
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Saturday is an art gallery event at The Hive Gallery, downtown Los Angeles, with burlesque and other performances.
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I am now off to the Meat Beat Manifesto performance. Have a good evening or morning, wherever you may be!