Georg Carlin has died!!!
Not only was he a huge influence on my life and comedy but he paved the way for so many people and even though he was 71, he still had it!
When "It's Bad For Ya" was released this past year, I not only watched it once... or twice but have since been watching it nearly every other week!!!
Please check as it is a fun site and I am uncertain as to its immediate future.
For the younger folks or those not in the know, not only was George HIGH-larious, he was also the first ever host on SNL (Saturday Night Live) and he had more than a ten, possibly 12 HBO specials, and has been involved with a SLEW of films.... He has the seven words you can not say on tv, talked about society... anyhow.. I could go on for ever.....
He was in my top (still will be) of all artists, whether it be film, music, visual, etc.
You will sorely be missed and I suppose I will have to think about what you said and the black book from your most recent episode. I feel like a father of sorts has left. I actually took my father and June (the folks) to see Carlin back in the late 90s at the Keswick Theatre, near Glenside, PA (outside of Philadelphia). It was wonderful.
I was seriously having an awful weekend and I honestly think I may cry now.
I will laugh later and watch some George Carlin.....
more info: etonline with news story
His official site: