It was exactly a year ago at this moment when my life took a turn for the unexpected.
My life was changed and at the time, and for a long while after, I was not happy about it to say the least.
It did, however, make me grow and alter my life in many ways I was not desiring but ultimately have strengthened me.
Thank you to all of the people who have been in my life before and during this last year.
I have refocused my life and even though every day is NOT necessarily amazing, there are many days where I know I am achieving my goals and headed in the correct direction. Thankfully my recent dietary scare of being overweight with an alarmingly high cholesterol level helped curb my eating and the intake of the "not-so-good" foods :)
I am very lucky to have two parents, who even though they often have their own set of issues, I know they both want the best for me and they love me with all of their hearts.
Actually... I have four parents as both Victor and June have been in my life and are positive supports.
I am about to sleep as I have work in a few hours, but I was sitting here thinking about where I was a year ago and I am very sure of who I am and all that has occurred since.
Enough rambling.... I have a doggie that needs a cuddling... she also serves as my heating blanket.... so off I go.